While in a class, you can perform bulk actions on multiple assignments instead of having to change their settings individually. To start, go into the cla...
Thu, 25 Mar, 2021 at 3:02 PM
To find the assignment settings, go to the class first, and then the assignment, then tap the wrench icon! Noteworthy things in assignment settings: Ti...
Thu, 25 Mar, 2021 at 3:03 PM
Capitals of the World? Or World Capitals? You can easily change the name of an assignment. Start by going into the assignment. Then: Tap on the Wrench...
Thu, 25 Mar, 2021 at 3:03 PM
Create copies of assignments to reuse them with other classes Written by Carvin Palanca Updated over a week ago Copying an assignment can be usef...
Thu, 25 Mar, 2021 at 3:04 PM
Adjust whether an assignment is locked, view-only, or editable, and make a schedule to have it happen automatically! The one-two punch of assignment s...
Thu, 25 Mar, 2021 at 3:06 PM