Classes and assignments go away, come again some other day ?
Classes and assignments can be archived and unarchived at any time. Archiving a class is useful as it hides unnecessary classes from your daily view, and it keeps your files safe in case you need them again. It’s sort of like deleting, but with a safety net! With Showbie, you’ll never accidentally lose your classes.
There are two ways to archive and unarchive things in Showbie: iOS devices can use the swipe method and all devices can go through the Settings.
Active Assignment Limit
Also keep in mind that if you don’t have Showbie Pro, archiving classes and assignments will decrease your number of active assignments. On the other hand, you will only be able to unarchive items if it doesn’t put you over the active assignment limit.
(iOS only)
Swipe from right to left directly over the class/assignment you’d like to archive/unarchive and then tap the red button.
The Other Button
That’s the Copy button! Tap on that button to make a copy of the class/assignment.
- Open the class/assignment you’d like to archive before tapping on the wrench
- Select Class/Assignment Settings in menu
- Tap Archive Class/Assignment
- Tap on the wrench
- Tap on the slider next to Show Archived and your archived items will appear at the bottom
- Tap on what you’d like to Restore
- In the menu that pops out, tap Restore Class/Assignment and it’ll reappear with your active classes/assignments